I’ve done well this week because, as aimed for, I have only drawn up one spread in my new journal!
My contribution this week is my Read and Watch log. While I started my current journal in 2019, I only started logging what I’d read and watched this year. My first spread was single-page but (because I’ve had a huge amount of spare time to read and watch things) I filled it before the end of April and am now on my second page.
While I’ll be starting this journal at the start of July, I decided to go straight for a double page spread because I suspect my unprecedented free time will continue for the majority of the rest of the year…
The main change I’ve made moving to my new journal for this spread is how I’ve been separating books. Currently I’m using different colours for paper and e-books, which was in an attempt to read more paper books. However, as I currently have very limited access to physical books and that in terms of content they are identical I have decided to merge them moving forwards and the fourth category will become graphic or audio books.
So far, I am up to 27 books, 21 TV series and 33 films which I think is either pretty impressive or a very clear indicator that I’ve had not enough to do! Certainly, I think I’m on track to read the most books in a year since my early high school days- I read over 100 in year 7, while my goal for this year is a more modest 50.
Do you log what you’re reading and watching? If so, do you categorise physical and E-books together? What else do you include or do you keep it bare bones like me?