Back to a familiar spread this week! I really like how easy customisation is on this one, a few stickers or washi tape and you’re done!
Really have to start thinking about getting packing sorted this week, so getting a flat itinerary written up and starting actually putting some things in boxes is on the to do list for this week.
I’ve also got two countdowns going; weeks to my flight and weeks left of work! Both of these are pretty exciting and the flight one in particular is starting to get a bit low for comfort considering I haven’t started packing anything- and that my move out date for my flat is even closer that that!
Because of the amount I have to do this month I am going to move down from daily posting for now, because I’d prefer to get out two or three decent posts a week than spam seven minimal ones!
If you have any requests from what you’d like to see from my current journal or any questions about what I include and why, please let me know!