New Journal Final Setup

Ta da! Here’s the final setup for my new journal!

You’ve seen some of these spreads in my previous posts about my new journal but I thought it’d be worth seeing them in sequential order! The only pages missing here are my washi swatch as I haven’t had a brainwave of how to lay it out yet!

I’m also due to draw up a rough guide of my most-used weekly spreads but as the dimensions of this journal are a little bit different to my last one, I’m making sure they all still work before I draw up the guide.

Really loving my new journal from Archer & Olive to be honest, there’s absolutely no paper bleed through or imprints from ruling up lines which is really nice and means I don’t have to worry about which pens I’m using and while you may not be able to tell from the pictures, the paper is very white- you wouldn’t have thought that there are different shades of white paper but this made me realise it!

I’ve really enjoyed getting this journal set up. It’s meant that when I started with my weekly spreads I was all organised and ready to go!

Is there anything else you normally include in your journal setups? I know a lot of people start a new journal in the middle of the year so would be interested to know how you go about it.

2 thoughts on “New Journal Final Setup”

  1. Love this! I myself use a utilitarian setup, which consists of one monthly spread and one habit tracker (which are just haphazardly written down instead of drawn out and arranged). The rest is just daily writing, two pages per day.

    Looks like a great start you have there. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Cheers Stuart, I think it’s great how many different ways you can approach journaling. As long as it works for you that’s all that really matters and you’re absolutely free to change things up or keep them straightforward depending on your needs and preferences!

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