How to Create a Great Workspace {Gifted}

With so many people working from home, it’s the perfect time to talk about how to create a great workspace. With a bit of organisation and some added inspiration, make your workspace one that inspires you to great achievements!

This post was inspired by a gifted canvas print of my choice from Photowall. I am absolutely thrilled to have the opportunity to work with a brand that creates such gorgeous artwork! I hope you enjoy my post and feel inspired to check out their collection using my exclusive 25% discount code. This is a gifted post, so I make no profit from any purchases, and all opinions are my own.

Photowall Written in the Stars IV
Beautiful, inspiring canvas prints like this one from Photowall, are a great way to enliven a workspace.

Creating a great workspace is all about what works for you. We all have personal preferences for our work environment, but I’ve found a few features that remain consistent for most people.

Create a Great Workspace: Cut the Clutter

Whose desk is currently an inch-deep in random paperwork and clutter? Not mine for once! I understand that our workspaces will get messy as we use them; that’s normal. When we’re looking at how to create a great workspace, however, we need to think about space usage. It’s great to use ten pens for a Bullet Journal setup, but do you put them away afterwards?

Working in a cluttered environment harms your productivity (where did you put that pen?) and also has a mental impact. The more things you have out on your desk, the more things you have to distract you! While it’s challenging to find a home for everything, take time to put items away, and it’ll make a huge difference.

I’m not advocating here for a completely clear desk- that’s just not practical in the long run! But if you have a pen mug, return your pens to it, don’t leave them rolling all over the place! If you use lots of equipment in your work (or play), use an old box or caddy to store it. That way you can pull out things as you need them, but have somewhere to return them to.

Clearing a cluttered desk or workspace is also a great way to take a break. If you’re having a stressful day, a quick tidy can really help reset your headspace and return to your work refreshed. It’s incredible what a blank slate can do!

Get Inspired

Create a Great Workplace with a Photowall Canvas!
Monty & Bamboo enjoying the new scenery!

A great workspace is not just about efficiency. Having personal touches that inspire or soothe is important in making you feel comfortable in a space. A pretty calendar or photographs is an easy way to achieve this, but paintings or posters are other options. I’m lucky enough to have a gorgeous new inspirational canvas to brighten up my workspace!

As I mentioned at the start of this post, it was inspired by a gifted canvas print from Swedish company Photowall. I’m not just talking a tiny thing either; it’s a full metre square that’s travelled halfway around the world to Australia! I have very little art, so the opportunity to add something of my choosing to my collection was really exciting.

As a teenager, I covered my walls with posters and print outs of my latest fad. As someone looking to buy a house within a year, however, it’s time to move on! When Photowall gave me the opportunity to collaborate, I was bowled over by their range! Transforming a room into a jungle is more than possible with their range of wall murals and large prints.

After much deliberating, I went for a large print that inspires me. I’ve always been a big fan of geometric designs; I love the sharpness they offer and how something simple can create something beautiful. I’m also a huge nerd, so when I found this design I just fell in love! Even if I wasn’t a Tolkien fan, I love this quote. I think it’s so important that we have the opportunity to wander to find our own place. Even if we wander far from home, we’re not lost, we’re just looking for a new place to settle.

Having something inspirational in your workspace is a great way to remind yourself every day of your motivation or goal. It doesn’t have to be as tangible as a quote, as we all find inspiration in different ways. It’s important to have something to remind you of why you’re working and that can brighten your day.

Create a Great Workspace: Get Organised

Having an organised workspace is about more than a tidy desk. Most of us require some sort of planner, calendar or to-do list to keep on top of tasks. If you’re a regular to my blog, you’ll know my key organisational tool is my bullet journal. I love keeping it because it keeps everything in one place without having to fiddle around with multiple planners and diaries.

For some of my blog planning, I do use a calendar from my subscriber’s free resource library, but mostly, everything is in one place. Everyone stays organised differently, but trying memories everything is a surefire way to forget something important! When you are creating a great workspace then, make sure you include room for a calendar or planner!

Creating a great workspace isn’t all about keeping it efficient and clinical. Give yourself something that reminds you why you’re working or what you’re working for. Inspiration is a powerful tool, so add some colourful, inspiring artwork to your life with Photowall. Use my discount code “dottedpages25” to get 25% off your purchase until the 15/12/2020! All the best and enjoy your refreshed workspace, and don’t forget to check out my Pinterest for plenty of bullet journal inspiration!

6 thoughts on “How to Create a Great Workspace {Gifted}”

    1. Thanks ☺️ yeah when you’re working from your bedroom or guest room it’s really important to make sure it’s set up well so you can work efficiently! Thanks for commenting☺️ xx

    1. It’s gorgeous I love it! Plus it’s enormous 😂 And absolutely nothing wrong with surrounding yourself with quotes whether they’re from books, movies or TV! You do you ☺️

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