Week 52 2020 Update and Bullet Journal Spread πŸŽ„

Week 52 of 2020 is here! 2020 has been one hell of a rollercoaster, so it’s with some relief that I’m entering it’s final full week. This being said, there’s no point pretending that this years’ challenges will vanish with the New Year! 2021 may not be any easier, but at least we are aware of how difficult it may be. For now, let’s check out my last full weekly Bullet Journal spread for 2020.

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Week 52 2020 Bullet Journal Spread

I’ve really enjoyed my Christmas theme this month. I’ve been able to stick to a simple colour scheme, and my scrapbooking has looked very effective. This week’s spread is unusual because I’ve not used a ruler once! I used one of my new Tombow brush pens to highlight a heading area for each day, and that looks great on its own!

Because I now have a set of Tombows, I’m excited to start trying them out for my monthly themes next year. I’m not sure what they’ll be yet, but I’ve got a few ideas brewing!

πŸŽ„πŸŽπŸ””Getting into the Christmas Spirit? Check out my other festive posts!πŸ””πŸŽπŸŽ„

Week 52 Update

Week 52 of 2020 is obviously a big one! Not only is it the final full week of the year, but it also contains Christmas! We’re hugely fortunate here in Australia that we’re able to have a relatively normal Christmas break (barring Sydney…) It’s been a lot of work, months of lockdown and mandatory masks, but I think it’s worth it to be able to celebrate Christmas without worrying about making matters worse!

Wherever you are in the world though, I hope you can celebrate the festive season and the end of the year with the people who really matter to you. If nothing else, 2020 has been the year to take stock and discover what is really important to you. Keeping a Bullet Journal throughout the year has been hugely important for me. It has kept me organised and motivated and will be hugely important as something to look back at in the future.

That’s all from me for now. I hope to be back before the end of the year to share with you all my setup for 2021 and January. For now, though, I hope you have a Very Merry Christmas, even if you have to create some new traditions in this new world!

4 thoughts on “Week 52 2020 Update and Bullet Journal Spread πŸŽ„”

  1. This was such a nice post Helen! I love the tree in the middle of the page! And I cant believe it’s the last week of the 2020. I cant wait to see your set up for 2021; I will be starting my bullet journal anew in 2021 so it would be great to get some inspo! Much love, and I hope you have a great remainder of the year πŸ˜ŠπŸ’™

    1. Aw thank you! I am so proud of that tree too, so glad you like it ☺️
      I’m looking forward to getting 2021 set up, I’m not moving to a new journal yet so it won’t be too complicated, but hopefully fun! Thanks again for your kind words, and have a great end of the year xx

      1. Thanks! The tree looks very pretty 😊 I think I’ll be starting up in an old journal of mine, since I can’t get a new one before January (sucks to be in lockdown) so it should be quite fun. Have a great last few days, and good luck next year! πŸ’™

        1. I suspect I’ll be getting at least one new journal for Christmas, but I’m not going to start it until I finish my current one- skipping the end of my current one would just be a waste of paper! All the best with your setup ☺️ xx

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