Week 4 2021 Update and Bullet Journal Spread

A very short one today for week 4 of 2021. It’s been a mad week, which I talked about in my last post! In summary, I’ve now picked up my new car (which is very shiny!) and I’ve got all my initial meetings regarding my house purchase organised. My only new news is that I’ve been confirmed in a permanent position in my job! How’s that for a week’s good news?! Job, house and car all in one!

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Week 4 2021 Bullet Journal Spread

I’ve stayed simple for my setup this week. Boxes using my monthly theme colours and a simple geometric graphic. Using a simple colour palette for my monthly theme really allows me to create a unified month with minimal effort.

As we’ve only got two weeks left in January, I need to start thinking about my February theme! As it’ll be the last month in my current journal, I’m tempted to theme it with my journal’s blue cover. I’m not sure yet though, so you’ll have to wait and see!

That’s all from me for today. A very short on I know, but Week 4 of 2021 is shaping up to be another huge one for me and I have a lot to keep on top of! So much for getting a blogging schedule established this month, but I wasn’t expecting to turn out the way it has! I’m considering doing a post series on house hunting and setting up your first house on a budget, so please let me know if you’d like to see some posts on the topic.

For now though, thank you for reading, check out some of my other posts below or subscribe if you want to access my free resource library, or leave me a comment! All the best wherever you are!

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