Week 41 Bullet Journal Spread & September in Review

Another week, another post! The weather here is definitely Spring-like, with a very warm weekend then rain due all week! Today I’m sharing both my Bullet Journal setup for week 41 and giving you a review of September, I hope you enjoy!

Week 41 2020 Bullet Journal Setup

Week 41 2020 Bullet Journal Setup

I’ll start us off with my bullet journal setup for this week. As I don’t split weeks, this is my first weekly spread using my bright and colourful October theme. As you will know if you checked out my October setup post, I found some gorgeous washi tapes recently, and I’m determined to use them! I love how the greenery pops off the page. It’s both peaceful and cheering!

As you can see, I’ve got a fairly busy week lined up this week. This is partly as I’ve got work next week (!) so I’ll have to be organised ahead of time. It’s satisfying to see my weekly spread so full. Sometimes, when I have nothing on and not much to do, I can struggle to journal daily, but when I’m busy, it becomes such an important organisational tool.

This week then brings back into perspective how my bullet journal is such a great planning tool; it’s not only pretty, but useful too!

September in Review

September 2020 Review Mood Tracker

How are we in the last quarter of the year already?? Given how much time this year has been spent stuck at home, I thought that it would drag by, but that’s not been the case! I’ve been home in Australia for almost two months and weeks of delayed flights and quarantine feel like they happened to somebody else.

September was a success on some levels but a disappointment on others. While I didn’t have any success job hunting, my search inspired an interesting post series that I hope will help anyone else searching for work. I also got some great feedback from a couple of opportunities, which gave me a much-needed confidence boost. Needed when the majority of jobs you apply for feel like black holes that give nothing back!

On the other hand, this blog really struggled last month, which was disheartening, but I’m determined to persevere! Hopefully, with a more concentrated effort on sharing, I’ll have a bit more growth to motivate me!

As for my Bullet Journal, there are some aspects of my Harry Potter theme I loved. In particular, this house points inspired mood tracker looks amazing, and I can happily report that Gryffindor won!

If you want to check out how my September spreads look now, I’ve done a quick video to show you how the entire month looks!

September Acheivements

While my blog stats for September were disappointing, a lot of my other stats weren’t! I record how many days I complete all of my habits, and in September it was a whopping 23! This is my record for the year and a reminder that habit tracking works for me.

I also walked over 80 miles (130km) which I think is a great achievement; that’s over 2.5 a day on average, which smashed my monthly goal out of the park!

It’s important to focus on the positives, I enjoyed revisiting old favourites I haven’t touched in years this month. In particular, my old Harry Potter Lego sets and RollerCoaster Tycoon 3, all of which are from the early 2000s. It’s a great lesson that we don’t always need new shiny things, return to some old favourites; they might surprise you!

That’s all from me today, I hope you enjoyed my setup for week 41 and the look at my September review. As always, great to have you, all the best, and see you again soon!

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